Sunday - The Weekend is almost over!
Today is Sunday and it looks like yet another busy day for me, there is so much to do and so little time. One thing was clear to me when I got up this morning and it had to do with me wearing black and the slacking I have been doing lately on my look so I searched through the closet to find something pretty new that I haven't really wore lately and that was not black (it's a miracle). So I crawled out of the closet with a new Anne Klein, taupe colored pinstripe suit with matching scarf. This is totally a diva chic sort of look, so I suppose it would only be right to play the part...Look out people here I come!
Meanwhile, I remembered that I recently bought these gorgeous and unique taupe colored silk brocade heels and they would be bitchin with this diva look. So I had no choice but to pop those babies on to compliment the combo along with my standard issue 24kt gold chain and diamond earring and rings. Wow, how easy was that - got dressed n under an hour and hair and semi- makeup too. Today is going to be fabulous day, people get ready.
Since the sun is out and I have the Diva Brat look going on, I figure a sleek pair of Michael Kors shades are also in order to put the icing on this pseudo cake! Wup Wup -
Enough said here, people, I have work to do. Ciao!