Wednesday - The Sorta Professional Look Day
Well as you know it is another Wednesday, not much special about it... or is there? Today was a pretty typical day work and more work after work. I had ballet in the evening and a burger for dinner! Wupee, burgers are the best.
Sure, enough about me and the day, onto the outfit. Today was a suit sort of day, I figured the weather was going to be cool and I needed an outfit that was put together well and that would keep me warm while still looking professional. I have several dozen black suits, as you will soon learn, many new ones and some that I have taken a liking to. Today's black suit is a worsted wool, jet-black Nine West 2-piece suit with stitched accents. As for the shirt, I started with a pink silk shirt, but figured people would give me the OMG you are so dressed up look, so I opted for a plain old Guess camisole top with spaghetti straps and this loud and in my opinion obnoxious floral print. I am not too keen on florals, but this one had pink in it and I am all for things with pink, so it made it into my purchase at Bloomingdale's amongst numerous other items of similar stature.
As for the shoes, I chose a pair of closed, squared toe 3.5 inch Black heels with BEBE logo for the day. These shoes are pretty neat and always seem to look like old people shoes on the shelf but come to life when I put them on. I guess since I was going for a more put together look today instead of the frump look of yesterday, these were a must have.
Hey look at me flapping my yap, I have work to do people and can't be here chit chatting all night. So I am going to shove off and end this sorta professional day.