Saturday - Time to get to Work


Lots to see and do today, I have to hit the road early and get to Ramona, CA to help a co-worker in need. Unfortunately, this person is one of many who has lost her home to the southern California wildfires. I plan on spending most of the day helping as much as I can with sifting and pilferage through the rubble that remains there of what was once a home for this person. After that, probably cruise by my parents place since they too live in Ramona. Spent a good part of day there and then we went to the casino in Santa Ysabel and had to cut the trip short due to a medical emergency, all is well now thankfully. I also managed to run into a friend and that was a nice surprise despite the strange turn of events, overall this was a good day, though I did not get home till 1:30 in the morning.

As for the outfit, it was too pitiful to show... a pair of belted light blue short jean pants with embroidered pockets on either side from True Religion and a nice pink Lilly Pulitzer camisole. As for the shoes... you all ready know; nice pink and white Adidas Super Stars to match the pink top and pink embroidery on my jean pants. Once day I will photo this combo, along with the free the People Jacket, in pink and olive that I wore with it, but for now, I will leave this pathetic look to your imagination.


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