Friday - Wupeee!!!!!!!!!

Hey... guess what? It's Friday!!!! Wupee!!!!!!!!!!

OK, so since it is Friday, my outfit needs to be pretty jazzy and suitable for the weather. I went rummaging through the closet and was able to locate a nice combo. I found this cool rampage dress with this glittery purple and silver design on it and a nice jet black Nine West jacket. As for the shoes I went with a pair of JLO black suede shoes.This is one awesome look for casual and semi-casual activities around town. Not much more to say about this look other than Diva Bratz out there, look out!

As for my weekend, I have plans for once!! Hooray, it must be a miracle. I am going to dinner tonight with my sister to Outback, Friday is Mahi Mahi night and I am not one to miss that along with the Aussie cheese fries and mac n cheese. OMG - you have to try the macaroni and cheese there at outback, it is not officailly on the menu, but ask for it, sometimes it shows up on the kids menu, but once you have it you will want ti everytime. they use penne pasta and this lovely cheese to coat it and it is very good!!!!

Tomorrow, I am planning to go to Ramona to my parents place and to help a co-worker try to pilferage through the rubble that remains of their home in Ramona and to also go to my parents place in Ramona as well to see what they are upto. As for Saturday evening and Sunday, that is still unwritten.



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