Monday - Keeping Warm


Gee whiz - it is pretty chilly outside here. I wish the summer would get here sooner rather than later. As you can see I am not really a fan of cool weather it really ruins things for me wardrobe wise and forces me to be more creative in my outfit selection.

Since the cold weather here this morning is reminding so much of that back in Hampton's, I figured an east coast chic look was in order. I found this wonderful striped brown hat with black accent in the top area of my closet and knew just what to pair with it. I opted for a mohair Banana Republic sleeveless sweater, a Liz Claiborne Brown striped blazer and a cute pair of INC slacks in black all tied together with a gorgeous pair of heels. In a matter of 20 minutes I was ready to hit the road.

This is one of my more casual looks something a little more representative of my OMG I am cold look thinking. Hopefully this look brings a smile to your face if not for the hat alone.

Well you know what time it is - laterz gators


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